MHA Neighborhood Meeting

August 27, 2019

7:00 to 8:30 pm


Location: Lily B. Clayton Elementary School

Officers Present: President - Corey Bearden.  Treasurer - Jeri Jo Blackmon.  Newsletter Editors:  Hannah Parks, Jeff Parks. Secretary: Val Ewing

Neighbors: 24 per attendance sheet


Call to Order – 7:00 pm

Approval of Minutes – minutes approved from neighborhood meeting held May 2019.



National Night Out at Newby Park: Tuesday October 1, 6:00 to 8:00 pm

Movie Night at Triangle Park: Friday October 4, Time TBD

Neighborhood Meeting: Tuesday November 19, Location TBD


Officers Reports

Triangle: Goal is to irrigate the park.  Update: there is water under Buck Street.  Electrical access is on hold until the correct electrical box is installed.  This box will be located behind the bench on the south corner.  Meter is located across the street.   After electrical is complete the next step will be irrigation and then grass (sod vs seed).  City will continue mowing.


Treasury Report: Jeri Jo Blackmon passed out a sheet itemizing income & expense.  Triangle park expenses: $7,000, this includes labor & boring.   Water bill for the Berm as high as $475 due to a damaged drip system.  The water is now off and the last bill was $35.  Net income: loss = $7000.  $20,000 in the bank.

Call for Dues!  Our association dues are voluntary but please contribute.  Last year we reached $10,000 and our goal this year is to reach or exceed this amount.


Committee Reports

Update on Quiet Zones – Price Hulsey.  Mr. Hulsey emailed Ann Zadeh’s department and received a reply from Chad Edwards, Regional Mobility and Innovation Officer with TPWD.  Mr. Edwards stated that the city of FW is in the process of formalizing terms with FWWR for types of Quiet Zone Treatments at Mistletoe, Park Place, and Windsor.  Once the agreement is signed, FWWR will design and create cost estimates for the project. The City has moved forward with procurement of consultant services for design of the City’s part of the project.  Once this is complete, goal is to construct the City’s part of the Quiet Zones in early 2020.   It’s estimated that Quiet Zones will cost approximately a half million each.  The RR will not be required to pay for any changes.


Old Business

2020 Directory – it’s time for another directory.  Last MH Directory was completed in 2014.  Block captains helped with this project, unfortunately, we don’t have as many block captains as we used to.  An attendee stated he has the spreadsheet from the first directory which could be used as a starting point and then build on it with new information.  Suggestion: assign one person per block to obtain information from each household.    


New Business

National Night Out – Jeff Parks: Fort Worth celebrates this in October.  There will be a kick-ball game with Berkeley Place at Newby Park.  National night out is a great opportunity to meet neighbors, emphasize safety awareness, and get to meet police officers who patrol our area. Motion approved: $350 to be spent on national night out to cover popsicles.


Security Camera Proposal – Berkeley resident Matthew Morrison spoke on this topic as simply an FYI for our neighborhood.  Berkeley has seen an uptick in crimes and a solution they are considering is to purchase a surveillance camera system.   Cameras, placed at entry points, read license plates 24/7, detect individuals on foot/bike by motion activation, and provide residents with ability to share suspicious behavior with law enforcement.  In the past they have hired an off-duty police officer but it’s expensive @ ~$50/hour.  Berkeley is asking if Mistletoe Heights is interested in participating in this program. Cost is $2000 per camera per year with a 2-year contract.  What followed was a discussion if this would benefit our neighborhood.   Consensus was that the cost of the cameras may not offset the value of stolen items.  For more information, go to:


Meeting adjourned – 8:00 pm